Traditional Farm Experience
Become a Farmer for a Day & Learn Ecological Farming Techniques.

Family Time
Traditional Farm Experience Overview
Get down and dirty with Campesinos. (And no, we don’t mean some nighttime shenanigans.)
We meant: milk some cows, crush sugar cane, make chocolate, taste moonshine straight from the still, have a cooking lesson, and do an extensive farm tour. Everything is organic and rustic!
The Costa Rican campesino farmer is a hardworking individual who works the land and provides for his family. They are well versed in the traditional farming methods that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Learn all about these different traditional techniques that have kept the farmer family alive for years— visiting a Campesino farm is an adventure through Costa Rica’s history that you can touch!
Traditional Farm Experience Is Featured in These Trips
Here are some of the combo trips we recommend you to check out if you want to experience Traditional Farm Experience:
What to Expect from Traditional Farm Experience
The traditional Costa Rican farm experience is the best way to learn about the culture, traditions, and food of Costa Rica. During this tour, you will be able to enjoy a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown in the countryside. You will also get a chance to see how chocolate or coffee beans are grown, harvested, and processed.
Visit a traditional Costa Rican family-owned farm, a farm that does not survive on tourist dollars alone—it is a working farm that sells milk in town every morning and puts in the hard work it takes to run a small farm. It is a very authentic experience. Collect some eggs, milk a cow, ground sugarcane, ground cocoa beans, and make lunch with your hosts.
FAQ About Traditional Farm Experience:
- Who is Traditional Farm Experience perfect for? This tour is educational, so it’s ideal for families with kids eager to learn and have some hands-on farm experience, couples, and groups interested in Costa Rica’s traditions and history.