Fishing for Wahoo in Costa Rica
Most anglers agree that wahoo are the some of the fastest fish in the ocean, reaching speeds of up to 60 mph. They're found all over Costa Rica, but they usually travel alone so catching one is always a challenge.
With fast, scorching runs, the only thing better than the fight is the fish itself. This delicious fish is only made even more exquisite because of its elusiveness, so the wahoo is a true delicacy among fisherman.
Trolling with live bait is your best bet when trying to catch this speedy, intelligent fish – but be sure to have a wire leader on or they’ll bite right through you!
Where to Find Your Wahoo
Wahoo are found all over the world in tropical waters. An off-shore species, wahoo are thought to be highly migratory. They're often loners, although they can be seen swimming in groups of up to fish.
Easily recognizable by an intimidating jawline and razor sharp teeth, wahoo also have a stunning blue color on their backs and stripes along their sides. Whether its fresh sashimi on the boat or grilled back at home, you might not ever put a better tasting fish in your mouth.
Wahoo are found near wrecks, reefs, and pinnacles – but are also found off-shore with other pelagic fish. With their speed and teeth, they can eat just about anything they want. Though they rarely jump, once hooked, they're famous for their screaming runs that can burn out your reel.
In Costa Rica, wahoo typically weigh between 20 and 30 pounds, but we see a lot of 50-pounders, too. The more mature fish tend to be thicker around the mid section, which means more meat for the boat!
They've been seen and caught inshore near reefs, but the majority are caught when trolling offshore for other species like dorado and sailfish.
When to Catch Wahoo in Costa Rica
Wahoo don’t play by anyone’s rules, so they can be caught every month of the year. That said, we see more of them in the green season months from May to September, although they're also often spotted from but Jan to April when out bill fishing.
For more information on wahoo fishing in Costa Rica, contact our fishing experts who will be happy to answer any questions for you.